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    And most of all, the Tree of Life English congregation’s participation and devotion was outstanding. I was so thankful that the Green Tomato and Youth group worked as one body combining their strengths to prepare for the retreat.


    Hana led the effort of the Youth group and made the poster and time schedule. She even made a funny Instagram promotion video. Joseph Mokja made a promotional video pulling an all-nighter as well. With Anna as a leader, Green Tomato and the Youth Group formed the praise team and practiced every week with diligence. Lina took care of all the practical matters behind the scene and made an artistic touch to PPT slides. The big brother of the praise team and a mood maker Jacob, Sam who played electric guitar, Haniel who played bass guitar, Christina who played piano, Sam(Hamin) who played Cajon, Joseph Mokja who played guitar, the graceful voices from Se, Abigail, Sarah and Claire, Phillip and Soo Young who helped the media tem, all of them devoted their time during their busy schedules praying and preparing for the worship service every week. I was so grateful for them.


    Se took charge of photographs and stage lights. Joshua helped the translation of Baptism testimony. Sam and Abigail took the stage at the baptism which made both the English and Korean congregation shed tears. At ‘Hanmaum Show Show Show’, the English congregation presented us with a novel performance that had us on the floor: rapid fire rap, K-drama skit, dance, duet performance etc. Because of the English congregation’s performance, it was the most memorable ‘Show Show Show’ ever. It seemed that the Children’s Group also thought  their older brothers and sisters were cool leading the retreat. They were attentive during praise and sermon time, and had a lot of fun during the ‘Hanmaum Show Show Show’. 


    GT group and Youth Group also tried to figure out how they could better serve friends and young children from other churches. In other words, they decided to follow the footsteps of Jesus instead of seeking their own interests: I was deeply moved by that. Specifically, Joseph Mokja spent sleepless nights^^ playing with the Youth Group so he did not even get a chance to spend time with friends at this age.  I received grace just by looking at how they have grown up resembling Jesus.


    The English congregation also helped move heavy loads effortlessly from the church, arrived at the retreat center earlier, set up for the worship, and at the end of the retreat, they helped move the loads back to the church. This was the first time the English congregation became the main players during the retreat. This was the first time Hanmaum church was energized with new strength.  I don’t even want to imagine Hanmaum church without the English congregation now.


    I felt assured by the English congregation and I was thankful. You guys were awesome.


    I give thanks and praise to God who allowed us to have a precious English congregation. 


    Following the shepherd… 


    Pastor JiWon Choi