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    The 'snowball of gratitude and grace’ grows bigger and bigger as you roll it. I am rolling it again following last week’s pastor column. I hope that somebody will take this snowball and continue to roll it so it will grow even bigger with thankfulness and grace.



    It feels like a dream that we were able to spend time together with brothers and sisters from Montreal Canada, Boston and Korea. To attend a family retreat fundamentally requires a level of sacrifice. I believe that it was the grace of God that you had such a devoted heart and were able to attend the retreat.


    The sky you see through the small window of a small church can sometimes be limited. In the same way, being in a small church limits the opportunities to meet new people. Sometimes the limitation of a small church also restricts our view in seeing God’s greatness. Therefore just by having these churches come together in one place, we are able to see the greater God. Meeting the faithful brothers and sisters who serve God in places far from us and listening to their testimonies motivates us to take on a new challenge and also renews our strength. This is especially true for young christians. I am so thankful that God allowed the family retreat to provide such an opportunity for us.


    And as always in any events like this, what lingers in my mind the longest is my gratitude to the ‘brothers and sisters who were together’. They offered what is theirs and served at every corner of the retreat even in places where their service was not noticed. And for them, seeing others receive grace comes as even greater grace! Where can we find such precious souls? I was so proud of each one of them who stayed on their feet wherever they served. This was the retreat where the service of our brothers and sisters in our church shined abundantly. I give special thanks to Mokja Yeon Jin Kim who led the retreat. He took care of things I could not do while handling all the details. Thanks to him, the English speaking retreat was possible and the retreat was abundant.


    You guys were all awesome, thank you all!


    (To be continued…)


    Following the shepherd…  

    Pastor JiWon Choi.