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    2024.05.24 04:10

    The Lord who heals

    조회 수 25 댓글 0

    It has been only about a week since I shared the sermon ' ‘The Lord who heals’’, but some of you already have experienced the healing and have shared with me the testimonies. The healing of the body, the healing of the heart(thoughts), the healing of the relationship, the healing of the soul,..these are happening now within our church. Actually, God had been already healing within us and he still heals today.


    Some healings may not happen immediately and need more time. Regardless, fix your eyes on the cross of Jesus, the source of all healings, and never stop praying. And continue to keep the resolution you made during last week’s worship so you can hear the voice of the Lord. Meditate on Scripture with the heart of prayer, pray through Scripture, then open your ears to God’s voice.  God is responsible for healing and our response to it is prayer.


    Through the Bible reading and prayer, we need to listen carefully to what God has to say to us. This is very important because the way God heals is mysterious. Sometimes we think our suffering is caused by others, however God uses that as an opportunity to heal us.  Sometimes, God teaches us that suffering can be a blessing. We want to get our suffering taken care of first but sometimes God lets us do the work of his will first and heals us through it. We often miss out on these mysterious ways of God’s healing. However, it is when we open our ears to the voice of God through prayer and the Bible reading that we get to know it.

    I pray that I will get to hear more testimonies of healing from you.


    Following the shepherd...

    JiWon Choi.